Thursday, February 8, 2007

Modeling the World

I thought that the Lecture was very interesting and insightful. Even though i knew most of the information given from High School senior physics, there were some new things i learned. I had already know the about the history of Aristotle, Galileo, and Newton but had not really know much about Fibonaci but i recognize the name. I sort of have an understanding of how the fibonachi numbers work but i could use some inprovement.

1 comment:

Bharat said...

True, this was only a first introduction to modeling. You can go into this subject as much as you want and I hope you would like to go into this in more detail now that you already have an idea of the basic things.Really, in the school of informatics most professors are constructing models of one form of the other(mostly computer simulations though). In fact, all of science seems to be relying on the process of modeling!
